
数据来源: DB-Engines 发布的 4 月份最新的数据库排名。MySQL 上升迅速,目前已经超过微软的 SQL Server 排在第二位。




  1. Number of mentions of the system on websites, measured as number of results in search engines queries. At the moment, we use Google and Bing for this measurement. In order to count only relevant results, we are searching for “<system name> database”, e.g. “Oracle database”.
  2. General interest in the system. For this measurement, we use the frequency of searches in Google Trends.
  3. Frequency of technical discussions about the system. We use the number of related questions and the number of interested users on the well-known IT-related Q&A site Stack Overflow.
  4. Number of job offers, in which the system is mentioned. We use the number of offers on the leading job search engine Indeed.
  5. Number of profiles in professional networks, in which the system is mentioned. We use the internationally most popular professional network LinkedIn.

以下是前 50 名详细的排名数据:

Rank Last Month DBMS Database Model Score Changes
1. 1. Oracle 
Relational DBMS 1560.59 +27.20
3. MySQL 
Relational DBMS 1342.45 +47.24
2. Microsoft SQL Server 
Relational DBMS 1278.15 -40.21
4. 4. PostgreSQL 
Relational DBMS 174.09 -3.07
5. 5. Microsoft Access 
Relational DBMS 161.40 -8.77
6. 6. DB2 
Relational DBMS 155.02 -4.31
7. 7. MongoDB 
Document store 129.75 +5.52
9. SQLite 
Relational DBMS 88.94 +5.68
8. Sybase 
Relational DBMS 80.16 -5.25
10. 10. Solr 
Search engine 46.15 +2.99
11. Teradata 
Relational DBMS 44.93
12. 11. Cassandra 
Wide column store 38.57 +2.21
13. 12. Redis 
Key-value store 35.58 +3.15
14. 13. Memcached 
Key-value store 24.80 -0.17
15. 14. Informix 
Relational DBMS 24.00 +0.10
16. 15. HBase 
Wide column store 21.84 +1.40
17. 16. CouchDB 
Document store 18.72 +0.42
18. 17. Firebird 
Relational DBMS 12.24 -1.54
19. Netezza 
Relational DBMS 11.14
20. 18. Sphinx 
Search engine 9.55 +0.09
21. 19. Neo4j 
Graph DBMS 8.34 +0.90
22. 21. Elasticsearch 
Search engine 8.31 +1.56
23. 22. Riak 
Key-value store 7.20 +1.10
24. 20. Vertica 
Relational DBMS 6.98 -0.42
25. Greenplum 
Relational DBMS 6.29
26. 26. Couchbase 
Document store 5.33 +1.16
Relational DBMS 5.26
28. 23. Ingres 
Relational DBMS 4.85 -0.66
29. 24. Interbase 
Relational DBMS 4.57 -0.59
30. 29. DynamoDB 
Key-value store 4.48 +0.65
31. 25. RavenDB 
Document store 4.14 -0.09
32. 28. MarkLogic 
Native XML DBMS 4.10 +0.19
33. 30. Jackrabbit 
Content store 4.10 +0.29
34. 27. Sybase IQ 
Relational DBMS 3.66 -0.31
35. 35. MariaDB 
Relational DBMS 3.22 +0.58
36. 32. Derby 
Relational DBMS 3.13 -0.13
37. 33. Berkeley DB 
Key-value store 3.07 +0.13
38. 31. SQL Anywhere 
Relational DBMS 3.04 -0.48
39. 34. Adabas 
Multivalue DBMS 2.97 +0.18
40. 36. SimpleDB 
Key-value store 2.56 +0.09
41. 37. mSQL 
Relational DBMS 2.30 +0.31
42. 38. H2 
Relational DBMS 2.04 +0.14
43. 39. Virtuoso 
Relational DBMS 1.96 +0.12
44. 40. MaxDB 
Relational DBMS 1.95 +0.24
45. 42. Caché 
Object oriented DBMS 1.69 +0.19
46. 41. TimesTen 
Relational DBMS 1.69 +0.12
47. 43. Db4o 
Object oriented DBMS 1.42 +0.10
48. Google Search Appliance 
Search engine 1.27
49. 46. HyperSQL 
Relational DBMS 1.21 +0.10
50. 45. Accumulo 
Key-value store 1.16 -0.12
51. 44. Versant Object Database 
Object oriented DBMS 1.03 -0.26
52. 47. IMS 
Navigational DBMS 1.02 +0.05
53. Infobright 
Relational DBMS 1.01
54. 52. Oracle NoSQL 
Key-value store 0.96 +0.31
55. 48. ObjectStore 
Object oriented DBMS 0.91 +0.00
56. 50. Tamino 
Native XML DBMS 0.88 +0.08
57. 49. Drizzle 
Relational DBMS 0.84 -0.01
58. ParAccel 
Relational DBMS 0.78
59. 55. IDMS 
Navigational DBMS 0.76 +0.16
60. 53. Sedna 
Native XML DBMS 0.73 +0.10
61. 54. Jena 
RDF store 0.71 +0.09
62. 51. Infinispan 
Key-value store 0.63 -0.06
63. 58. Sesame 
RDF store 0.58 +0.10
64. 56. Mnesia 
Document store 0.57 +0.06
65. 57. VoltDB 
Relational DBMS 0.40 -0.10
66. 60. solidDB 
Relational DBMS 0.39 +0.00
67. 61. GT.M 
Key-value store 0.38 +0.02
68. 62. Xapian 
Search engine 0.38 +0.05
69. 59. OrientDB 
Graph DBMS 0.37 -0.04
70. Kognitio 
Relational DBMS 0.32
71. 64. DEX 
Graph DBMS 0.29 +0.01
72. 67. Tokyo Cabinet 
Key-value store 0.28 +0.02
73. 68. Clustrix 
Relational DBMS 0.27 +0.02
74. 65. MonetDB 
Relational DBMS 0.26 +0.00
75. 66. Hypertable 
Wide column store 0.26 -0.00
76. 69. Pervasive PSQL 
Relational DBMS 0.26 +0.02
77. 72. InfiniDB 
Relational DBMS 0.24 +0.03
78. 71. BaseX 
Native XML DBMS 0.24 +0.01
79. 70. OpenBase 
Relational DBMS 0.24 +0.00
80. 73. VistaDB 
Relational DBMS 0.23 +0.02
81. 63. Compass 
Search engine 0.21 -0.12
82. 74. Cubrid 
Relational DBMS 0.18 +0.01
83. 75. NuoDB 
Relational DBMS 0.17 +0.02
84. 82. Hibari 
Key-value store 0.17 +0.04
85. 1010data 
Relational DBMS 0.17
86. 81. Perst 
Object oriented DBMS 0.16 +0.03
87. 79. Aerospike 
Key-value store 0.16 +0.02
88. 80. Project Voldemort 
Key-value store 0.14 -0.00
89. 77. AllegroGraph 
RDF store 0.13 -0.01
90. 78. Tokyo Tyrant 
Key-value store 0.13 -0.01
91. 87. Scalaris 
Key-value store 0.12 +0.07
92. 85. CloudSearch 
Search engine 0.12 +0.02
93. 83. Akiban 
Relational DBMS 0.11 -0.00
94. 84. LevelDB 
Key-value store 0.11 -0.00
95. 89. MemSQL 
Relational DBMS 0.09 +0.06
96. 76. Kdb+ 
Relational DBMS 0.07 -0.08
97. 91. LucidDB 
Relational DBMS 0.07 +0.05
98. 86. eXtremeDB 
Relational DBMS 0.06 +0.01
99. 94. Exasol 
Relational DBMS 0.05 +0.04
100. 88. Meronymy 
RDF store 0.04 +0.00
101. 96. InfoGrid 
Graph DBMS 0.03 +0.03
102. 90. Stardog 
RDF store 0.02 -0.00
103. InfiniteGraph 
Graph DBMS 0.01
104. 93. Mulgara 
RDF store 0.01 -0.01
105. 92. 4store 
RDF store 0.01 -0.01
106. 95. ObjectDB 
Object oriented DBMS 0.01 -0.01
107. ScimoreDB 
Relational DBMS 0.00

The following database management systems could not be ranked, because their popularity is below the threshold of our ranking method.

  • ArangoDB 
     (Document store)
  • Bangdb 
     (Key-value store)
  • BrightstarDB 
     (RDF store)
  • CloudKit 
     (Document store)
  • Clusterpoint 
     (Document store)
  • CodernityDB 
     (Key-value store)
  • DensoDB 
     (Document store)
  • Djondb 
     (Document store)
  • Eloquera 
     (Object oriented DBMS)
  • eXist-db 
     (Native XML DBMS)
  • FlockDB 
     (Graph DBMS)
  • FoundationDB 
     (Key-value store)
  • GenieDB 
     (Relational DBMS)
  • GraphBase 
     (Graph DBMS)
  • Hamsterdb 
     (Key-value store)
  • HyperDex 
     (Key-value store)
  • HyperGraphDB 
     (Graph DBMS)
  • JustOneDB 
     (Relational DBMS)
  • Kyoto Cabinet 
     (Key-value store)
  • Kyoto Tycoon 
     (Key-value store)
  • ModeShape 
     (Content store)
  • OpenQM 
     (Multivalue DBMS)
  • RaptorDB 
     (Document store)
  • RethinkDB 
     (Document store)
  • SchemafreeDB 
     (Document store)
  • SearchBlox 
     (Search engine)
  • SisoDb 
     (Document store)
  • SmallSQL 
     (Relational DBMS)
  • Srch² 
     (Search engine)
  • Starcounter 
     (Relational DBMS)
  • Tarantool 
     (Key-value store)
  • Terrastore 
     (Document store)
  • TomP2P 
     (Key-value store)

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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd