实际上,有时候虽然只有极少量的信息,但只要仔细分析,一样可以得出有效的结论。上述这个谜题相信有很多人见过,类似的还有著名的 蓝眼睛岛问题 ,只是这个更加复杂一点。
让我们先来回答最初的问题,为读者做个启发。把金条分成如下三份:第一份是原金条的 1/7(编号为1号金条);第二份是原金条的 2/7(2号金条);第三份是 4/7(3号金条)。接下来的7天你将这样支付工资:
第1天:给工人1号金条(此时你有2号和3号金条,工人有1号金条) 第2天:给工人2号金条,并取回1号金条(此时你有1号和3号金条,工人有2号金条) 第3天:给工人1号金条(此时你有3号金条,工人有1号和2号金条) 第4天:给工人3号金条,并取回1号和2号金条(此时你有1号和2号金条,工人有3号金条) 第5天:给工人1号金条(此时你有2号金条,工人有1号和3号金条) 第6天:给工人2号金条,并取回1号金条(此时你有1号金条,工人有2号和3号金条) 第7天:给工人1号金条,事成收工。
有过一些编程经验的读者可能会马上意识到,这其实正是二进制的原理。 1,2,4 三个十进制数的二进制形式分别是 1,10,100,用这三个数可以表示 [0,7] 区间(换成二进制形式即 [000,111] 区间)里的所有整数。
同样的道理可以计算出,如果有工人为你工作X天,而你依然打算用一块金条来支付工资的话,那么最少需要在金条上折断( log 2 [X+1] – 1 ) 处。
你有10只装满了球的盒子,其中有一只盒子里装的是次品。已知正常的球每个重 10g,而次品球每个重 9g。如何只使用一次电子秤,就找出哪只盒子装的是次品?我们在面对这类称重找次品的问题时,第一想法通常是从每个盒子中拿出一个球来称重。然而,这道题的关键恰恰是从不同的盒子里取出不同数目的球。
我们先把 10 只盒子从 0 到 9 编号,然后从每只盒子中取出与这只盒子编号数目相等的球来,举例来说,0号盒子里不需要取球, 1 号盒子里拿出 1 只球, 2 号盒子里拿出 2 只球,等等。
然后我们这些球一起放到电子秤上。假如所有的球都是正品,那么电子秤上的读数应该是450g;但是因为这堆球里可能有次品,所以实际读数是 ( 450 – x )g ,其中x是次品球的个数,同时这个个数又恰好次品盒子的编号。
大部分人的第一想法往往是利用一个最快的人反复度桥来接送其他人,这样需要的时间是 2 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 10 = 21 分钟。的确很快,但是实际上还有更快的方法。
很容易想到的是,我们应该能让 7 和 10 一起过桥。但是接下来呢?难道让其中1个人再回去一趟吗?不,这样的话就太耗时了。如何解决这个问题呢?我们可以提前让1个脚程较快的家伙在桥的对岸等着。因此就有方案如下:
先让 1 和 2 一起过桥。耗时2分钟。 让 1 拿着火把回来。耗时1分钟。 让 7 和 10 一起过桥,耗时10分钟。 让 2 拿着火把回来。耗时2分钟。 最后再让 1 和 2 一起过桥。耗时2分钟。 最后总耗时为 2 + 1 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 17 分钟。
当分针和时针从 12:00 处开始走动后,T个小时的时间里时钟的分针走T圈,时针则是 T/12 圈,两个表针第一次重合的时候分针比时针领先整整一圈,也就是 T = T/12 + 1 ,此时 T = 12/11 ,也就是表针在 12/11 时(比 1:05 稍微晚一些)第一次重叠。把重叠的次数换成N,然后把式子中的T换成24,我们就可以得到:
24=2+N 显然,N=22
以下为英文原版的10个面试题, 附有原文章答案
10 Famous Microsoft Interview Puzzles
Here is a list of 10 famous puzzles which have been asked on a Microsoft Interview. They are not in any specific order.
How many times a day do the minute and hour hands of a clock overlap? Answer
A certain town comprises of 100 married couples. Everyone in the town lives by the following rule: If a husband cheats on his wife, the husband is executed as soon as his wife finds out about him. All the women in the town only gossip about the husbands of other women. No woman ever tells another woman if her husband is cheating on her. So every woman in the town knows about all the cheating husbands in the town except her own. It can also be assumed that a husband remains silent about his infidelity. One day, the mayor of the town announces to the whole town that there is at least 1 cheating husband in the town. What do you think happens? Answer
100 Prisoners in Solitary Cells
100 prisoners are stuck in the prison in solitary cells. The warden of the prison got bored one day and offered them a challenge. He will put one prisoner per day, selected at random (a prisoner can be selected more than once), into a special room with a light bulb and a switch which controls the bulb. No other prisoners can see or control the light bulb. The prisoner in the special room can either turn on the bulb, turn off the bulb or do nothing. On any day, the prisoners can stop this process and say “Every prisoner has been in the special room at least once”. If that happens to be true, all the prisoners will be set free. If it is false, then all the prisoners will be executed. The prisoners are given some time to discuss and figure out a solution. How do they ensure they all go free? Answer
Three ants are sitting at the three corners of an equilateral triangle. Each ant starts randomly picks a direction and starts to move along the edge of the triangle. What is the probability that none of the ants collide? Answer
You’ve got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them. You must pay the worker for their work at the end of every day. If you are only allowed to make two breaks in the gold bar, how do you pay your worker? (Assuming equal amount of work is done during each day thus requiring equal amount of pay for each day) Answer
A train leaves City X for City Y at 15 mph. At the very same time, a train leaves City Y for City X at 20 mph on the same track. At the same moment, a bird leaves the City X train station and flies towards the City Y train station at 25 mph. When the bird reaches the train from City Y, it immediately reverses direction. It then continues to fly at the same speed towards the train from City X, when it reverses its direction again, and so forth. The bird continues to do this until the trains collide. How far would the bird have traveled in the meantime? Answer
You have 10 boxes of balls (each ball weighing exactly10 gm) with one box with defective balls (each one of the defective balls weigh 9 gm). You are given an electronic weighing machine and only one chance at it. How will find out which box has the defective balls? Answer
How many points are there on the globe where, by walking one mile south, then one mile east and then one mile north, you would reach the place where you started? Answer
If you had an infinite supply of water and a 5 quart and 3 quart pails, how would you measure exactly 4 quarts? and What is the least number of steps you need? Answer
Four People on a Rickety Bridge
Four people need to cross a rickety bridge at night. Unfortunately, they have only one torch and the bridge is too dangerous to cross without one. The bridge is only strong enough to support two people at a time. Not all people take the same time to cross the bridge. Times for each person: 1 min, 2 mins, 7 mins and 10 mins. What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the bridge? Answer
How many questions have you heard before? Post in comments.