2012年3月21日,HP(惠普)宣布合并打印成像集团IPG(Image Printer Group)和个人电脑PC业务PSG(Personal Service Group)。HP中国最初主要有三个Group: PSG,  IPG和TSG,后拆分PSG为ES和EB,如今又合并PSG和IPG,目前主要的三个Group是EB, ES和(PSG+IPG),不知道合并后的部门叫什么名字。下面是有关HP合并IPG和PSG的中英文报道。

惠普周三正式宣布,将合并PC和打印机业务,以改善财务状况。近年来,PC和打印机均出现了廉价商品化的趋势。惠普在一份声明中称,这一业务合并将帮助该公司推动走向市场的战略,加强品牌、供应链和客户支持。本周二有传闻称,惠普将合并这两大业务,而打印机业务主管沃梅什·约什(Vyomesh Joshi)将退休,新的部门将由PC业务主管托德·布拉德利(Todd Bradley)负责。

分析师已经对惠普这一业务整合提出质疑。Stern Agee分析师肖·吴(Shaw Wu)表示,这一合并不会为惠普节约太多成本,也不会带来太大的协同效应。


肖·吴的说法与惠普CEO梅格·惠特曼(Meg Whitman)不同。惠特曼认为,这一举措将有利于惠普走向市场的战略。她表示:“通过在创新和运营效率等方面做到最好,我们将创造一个消费者、合作伙伴和股东共赢的局面。”

作为合并PC和打印机业务的一部分,惠普对中央职能部门进行了调整。在此次重组中,惠普将全球客户销售团队纳入到惠普企业集团中,该集团由大卫·多纳特利(David Donatelli)负责。多纳特利目前主管惠普的服务器、存储和网络设备部门。根据此次重组,多纳特利还将负责惠普的技术服务业务。

惠普表示,新的组织架构将“加速决策,提高生产力,改进效率,同时提供简化的消费者体验”。惠普全球销售主管简·扎达克(Jan Zadak)将获得一个目前尚未披露的新职位,而惠普首席营销官马蒂·霍姆利什(Marty Homlish)将负责所有业务的营销。惠普的通信团队将由首席通信官亨利·戈麦斯(Henry Gomez)领导。惠普还将房地产管理的职能纳入到全球技术和业务流程部门中。




HP Announces Organizational Realignment

PALO ALTO, Calif., March 21, 2012


HP today announced an organizational realignment to improve performance and drive profitable growth across the entire HP portfolio.

As part of this realignment, HP’s Imaging and Printing Group (IPG) and its Personal Systems Group (PSG) are joining forces to create the Printing and Personal Systems Group. The combined entity will be led by Todd Bradley, who has served as the executive vice president of PSG since 2005.

Vyomesh Joshi, executive vice president of IPG, is retiring after a highly accomplished 31-year career at HP. Under Joshi’s leadership, IPG has grown revenue from $19 billion to $26 billion, and doubled its operating profit to approximately $4 billion.

“VJ embodies the spirit of HP and his impact on the company has been tremendous,” said Meg Whitman, president and chief executive officer, HP. “Under his leadership, IPG accelerated innovation and pioneered solutions that transformed the printing market. We wish him the very best as he embarks on a new chapter in his life.”

Combining these two entities will rationalize HP’s go-to-market strategy, branding, supply chain and customer support worldwide. This will lead to a better customer experience and drive innovation across personal computing and printing. This realignment is expected to provide opportunities for cost savings and accelerate HP’s ability to pursue profitable growth and reinvest in the business.

“This combination will bring together two businesses where HP has established global leadership,” said Whitman. “By providing the best in customer-focused innovation and operational efficiency, we believe we will create a winning scenario for customers, partners and shareholders.”

In addition to combining PSG and IPG, HP also is taking steps to unify and streamline certain key business functions.

The Global Accounts Sales organization will join the newly named HP Enterprise Group. This group will be led by David Donatelli and includes Enterprise Servers, Storage, Networking and Technology Services.

The new structure is expected to speed decision making, increase productivity and improve efficiency, while providing a simplified customer experience. A new role for Jan Zadak, executive vice president for Global Sales, will be announced at a later date. Zadak will work with Donatelli to ensure an orderly transition.

HP also announced that it will unify its Marketing functions across business units under Marty Homlish, executive vice president and chief marketing officer, HP. This will allow for even more effective brand-building and marketing activities, and will create efficiencies across the business units.

HP’s Communications employees worldwide also will be similarly unified under Henry Gomez, executive vice president and chief communications officer, HP. Together these two moves will create a more powerful voice to demonstrate the power of “One HP.”

Finally, HP is moving the Global Real Estate function from Finance into Global Technology and Business Processes to address real estate consolidation and improve the workplace experience for HP employees.

“Ensuring we have the right organizational structure in place is a critical first step in driving improved execution, and increasing effectiveness and efficiency,” added Whitman. “The result will be a faster, more streamlined, performance-driven HP that is customer focused and poised to capitalize on rapidly shifting industry trends.”


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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd